Anaheim Chile Pepper

This later Anaheim variety produces the classic chili pepper with long narrow tapered fruit. The peppers grow about 6-7 inches long and turn bright red at maturity. This chile is mildly pungent - 900-3,500 Scovilles. 80-90 days.

Ancho/Poblano Pepper

This heart shaped chili pepper is black-green and turns a deep brownish red at maturity. This variety has a distinctive, mildly hot flavor. The pepper is fat, about 4 inches by 3 inches, wrinkled and tapered. Ancho peppers are particularly popular used fresh roasted or dried and powdered. 1,000 to 2,000 scovilles. 70 days.

Barker's Hot Pepper

This very hot chile pepper does extremely well in hot dry climates. This New Mexican/Anaheim type chile is the hottest of this type. For those who love a very hot Anaheim pepper, this is the one to try. 15,000 to 30,000 scovilles. 70 days.

Cayenne Pepper

This pepper is known for its very hot flavor. The green fruits turn flame red. They are 5 inches long and very slender. Most frequently, cayenne pepper is used dried and powdered or crushed into soups, chiles and sauces. 20,000 to 25,000 scovilles. 72 days.

Jalapeno Pepper

This pepper is deep green, turning bright red as it matures. One of the hottest commonly grown North American varieties, it is 3 inches long and tapered. These peppers are very popular used fresh, dried or pickled. 10,000 to 15,000 scovilles. 72 days.
Packet size = 1 gram

Numex Big Jim Pepper

This variety produces a tremendous amount of medium-hot, very large peppers that are 7-9 inches long. These thick walled peppers are good for canning or freezing though they are superb fresh roasted. This variety continues to flower in hot dry weather and the fruit ripens all at once. They are an excellent choice for chile rellenos or tamales. 2,500 to 3,000 scovilles. 75 days.
Packet size = 1 gram

Sandia Pepper

These hot peppers grow on two foot plants that are bushy. This variety produces early fruit that is very hot and pungent. The pepper is about seven inches long with medium-thick flesh. Absolutely delicious, Sandia is a very good choice for the home gardener. 5,000 to 7,000 scovilles. 70 days.

Santa Fe Grande Pepper

These peppers can vary from hot to very hot in desert climates. A large yield is produced on compact upright plants that average 24 inches in height. Pods are conical, blunt shaped and about 4 inches long and 2 inches across the shoulder. Plants produce a large number of yellow peppers that turn orange-red at full maturity. This variety is tobacco mosaic resistant. 15,000 to 20,000 scovilles. 75 day.

Serrano Pepper

This variety has a tendency to be extremely hot when grown in the Southwest. The three foot tall plants produce a tremendous number of small 2 inch peppers that are candle flame shaped. They turn orange-red from a bright green color when fully mature. 5,000 to 30,000 scovilles. 75 days.

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